• New Prayer Room/History Room
  • New Prayer Room/History Room

I was just outside watering my flowers, and it is a beautiful morning that God is giving us before the July and August heat happens. I love living in Wyoming because of the cooler nights when windows can be opened, and I can smell our wild roses and hear our fountains. It is so peaceful. I hope that you have your own peaceful spots to enjoy life.

We held our monthly meeting on June 26th. Those present were Cindy Barnard, Anita Hollon, Warren Tieberg, George Smith, Lorraine Eaton, and myself.

Blackburn Construction has completed their lifting of the cement around the building and sealing the edges. They were not able to do much in front of the church because the damage has been caused by tree roots. We now have better drainage in the back.

The windows that were leaking have been sealed with success. We are now going to get bids to have the outside of the stained-glass windows redone. The plexiglass has aged, and the stained glass cannot be seen. This will be paid from the interest we must take yearly from Methodists Helping Methodists. Because of thoughtful and giving congregations before us, we receive about $15,000 yearly from those accounts.

Lorraine has placed all of the financials into the new ICON bookkeeping system and now agrees with the bank statements to the penny. She has worked diligently on this project so when you see her, please tell her how much we appreciate all she does. Now that we are balancing, we are looking into an outside audit, which was recommended by our district superintendent. We cannot find a record of our church ever having one. If you know of one, please let Lorraine know.

Cindy and Lorraine were both representatives at the Mountain Sky Conference meeting in Casper. They gave interesting reports about ideas presented and want to investigate some of the topics more such as missions and prayer partners.

Pastor Don Bergstrom will return to the pulpit for the July 21st and July 28th sermons and all of August. If you have not been able to hear him, he is very interesting and brings light to the scriptures.

Have a blessed 4th of July and hope to see all of you on Sundays.


Connie Woehl

OCC Chairperson